Who are we and what are we doing?

he necessity of continuing education of the veterinary surgeon resulted in the establishment of SRVO. The main concern of the company is to offer its members the possibility of continuous improvement by organizing events dedicated to those interested in this segment.

Conferences, workshops, congresses aim to inform members about scientific and technological novelties in the field and to promote new therapy techniques, and especially to facilitate contact with internationally recognized specialists. This desire for natural evolution in medical life is imposed by the owners of our patients, owners who have become more and more demanding and better informed about the innovations in the field.

Mission and vision

  • Organization of conferences, veterinary orthopedic workshops;

  • Organization of continuous training modules for veterinarians;

  • Cultivating the spirit of professional community and increasing the dignity of veterinarians in Romania;

  • Supporting vets and institutions;

  • Raising the scientific and professional level of the members of the society through the exchange of information on veterinary issues.

  • Preserving the prestige and honor of the profession of veterinary surgeon in the society, applying and respecting the laws of the state by its members;

  • Collaborating with different scientific and professional international organizations and institutions, with similar associations and societies in other countries;

  • Establishing and conducting cooperative activities with other professional and scientific associations that participate in the provision of public health by preventing communicable diseases – common to humans and animals;

  • Collaborating with different scientific and professional international organizations and institutions, with similar associations and societies in other countries;

  • Participate in the development and spread of veterinary sciences, as well as in the continuous improvement of professional training, free medical veterinary practice;

  • Supporting the scientific and professional activity of its members and stimulating them through highlights, premieres, scholarships, etc. Supporting the specialization and improvement of the profiles, granting the professional degrees;

  • Organization of scientific and professional manifestations: communications sessions and papers, conferences, seminars, conferences, round tables, symposiums, congresses, etc.

  • Organization and support of actions of assistance and insurance for professional civil liability

  • Protecting the health of animals and humans;

  • Increasing the dignity of veterinarians in Romania;

  • Increasing the level of recognition of the contribution of the Romanian veterinary medicine to the development of the economy;

  • Respecting the principle of veterinary medical deontology, cultivating feelings of esteem, and peer support.

Directors Board

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